What is RF
RF Planning is a technique you can use to import detailed information
about your site into 3WXM, add RF obstacle information and third-party
APs, and configure your RF coverage area at a finer level than is possible
using the RF Auto-Tuning with modelling technique.
By defining sites, buildings, and floors, you provide 3WXM with the
necessary information to modularly manage large networks based on
geographical or organizational boundaries. For example, a network plan
can represent a campus-wide network. 3Com recommends that you limit
a network plan to a single campus or Mobility Domain. A network plan is
also limited to one country, since a network plan only supports one
common country code for the WX switches contained in it.
To use the RF planning technique:
Prepare your floor plan graphic files
Add site information
Add RF obstacles
Add an RF coverage area
Create a work order
Install your equipment
Deploy your configuration
To learn more about the benefits of RF Planning, see “RF Planning” on
page 31.