4 In the Task List panel, select Mobility Profile.
The Create Mobility Profiles wizard appears.
5 In the Profile Name box, type the name of the Mobility Profile.
The name can be up to 16 alphanumeric characters, and it cannot
contain tabs.
The Mobility Profile Name has to be defined as an authorization attribute
in the defined users or user groups in the local database.
6 In the Ports list, specify ports to include in the Mobility Profile:
All—Include all MAP or wired authentication ports. Go to step 10.
Selected—Include a selected list of ports. Go to the next step.
None—Include no ports. Go to step 10.
7 Select the ports to be included in the Mobility Profile and click Add.
8 Click Next. In the Distributed MAPs list, specify the Distributed MAPs to
include in the Mobility Profile:
All—Include all Distributed MAPs. Go to step 10.
Selected—Include a selected list of Distributed MAPs. Go to the next
None—Include no Distributed MAPs. Go to step 10.
9 Select the Distributed MAPs to be included in the Mobility Profile and
click Add.
10 Click Finish to save the changes and close the wizard.
What’s Next? After you create Guest services, you can create another service.
For information about configuring an additional service, refer to:
“Configure Voice over Wireless IP Service” on page 81
You can create your RF environment, and deploy your configuration and
enable monitoring.
For information about creating your RF environment, refer to:
“Using RF Auto-Tuning” on page 95
“Using RF Auto-Tuning with Modelling” on page 103
“Using RF Planning” on page 119