Configure Employee Access Services 59
4 Configure each user record with authorization rules (username and
password) and with either the Vlan-Name attribute (3Com VSA) or the
RADIUS Tunnel-Private-Group-ID to assign users to VLANs.
Other attributes are optional.
Create a Service Profile for 802.1X Access
A service profile contains the configuration for the service you want to
offer, such as employee access, guest access, or VoWIP.
For more information about service profiles, see “Wireless
Configuration” on page 34. For more information about service sets, see
“Which Services To Provide?” on page 28.
To create an 802.1X service profile
1 Select Configuration on the toolbar.
2 In the Organizer panel, expand the WX switch.
3 Expand Wireless, then select Wireless Services.
4 In the Task List panel, select 802.1X Service Profile.
The 802.1X Service Profile wizard is displayed.
End-Date 26, 43, 7 Yes No No Date and time after which
the user is no longer
allowed to be on the
network. Use the
following format:
Start-Date 26, 43, 7 Yes No No Date and time at which
the user becomes eligible
to access the network.
Use the following format:
URL 26, 43, 8 Yes No No URL to which the user is
redirected after successful
WebAAA. Use the
following format:
Table 10 3Com VSAs (continued)
Attribute Type
Rcv in
Sent in
Sent in
Reqst? Description