Now that you are familiar with the thermostat
display and buttons, read the following informa-
tion to learn about the many features of the
RECOVERY (EMR) — The thermostat’s
microcomputer automatically calculates the
time it will take to change the temperature to
the next program setting. Then the thermo-
stat will activate the heating or cooling sys-
tem to change the temperature so that the
desired temperature is reached at the be-
ginning of the next program period. As an
example of this feature, assume that you
have programmed your thermostat to pro-
vide an overnight heating temperature of
62°F, and that during the next program
period, beginning at 6:00 AM, you have
programmed a temperature of 70°F. The
thermostat will automatically activate the
heating system at about 5:00 AM, so that
the programmed 70°F temperature is
reached by about 6:00 AM.
set the thermostat to automatically switch
the system from heating to cooling as
needed. First you must move option switch
#4 (located on the back of the thermostat
body) to the ON position, if it has not already
been done. To do this, turn off 24v AC
power to the thermostat. Then remove the
thermostat body from the wall. Check the
position of switch #4 (the last switch on the
right). If it is ON (up), simply put the thermo-
stat back on the wall and restore 24v AC
power. If the switch is OFF (down), remove