
WWhhaatt iiff tthheerree iiss ssttiillll nnoo ssuuccttiioonn wwhheenn II ttuurrnn oonn
mmyy VVaaccuuuumm CClleeaanneerr??
Once you have fully examined your Dirt Arrestor,
check the Cyclone Entrance Hole, and the Inner
Tube and wipe away any dirt or lint clinging to
the surface. Then open the Inspection Plate and
remove any debris that may be plugging up the
Air Passageway.
HHooww oofftteenn wwiillll II nneeeedd ttoo rreeppllaaccee tthhee bbeelltt??
Not often at all. The Westinghouse WST1500
Vacuum Cleaner uses a special break-free belt.
It rarely breaks or needs replacing.
HHooww ccaann II oorrddeerr aa HHoossee EExxtteennssiioonn oorr ootthheerr
aacccceessssoorriieess ffoorr mmyy WWeessttiinngghhoouussee WWSSTT11550000
VVaaccuuuumm CClleeaanneerr??
Just call our toll free number:
1-800-616-8689 and refer to the
“Accessory/Parts List” in this manual.
WWhhaatt aarree ssoommee ooff tthhee ootthheerr aacccceessssoorriieess
II ccaann oorrddeerr ffoorr mmyy WWeessttiinngghhoouussee WWSSTT11550000
VVaaccuuuumm CClleeaanneerr??
There is a wide range of replacement
accessories available. Simply refer to the
“Accessory/Parts List” at the back of this manual
for a complete list and ordering instructions.
or email us at: salton@saltonusa.com
HHooww ddiiffffiiccuulltt iiss iitt ttoo eemmppttyy tthhee CCoolllleeccttiioonn BBiinn??
We've designed the Westinghouse WST1500
Vacuum Cleaner's Collection Bin so that it's
easy to handle and carry. The Lid firmly locks
into place until it's time to empty the Bin. It's
easy to see when the Bin is full because it's
made of clear plastic that reveals all the dirt
you've collected. What's more, you can easily
find objects that you've accidentally vacuumed
up without having to tear open a dirty bag.
WWhhaatt sshhoouulldd II ddoo iiff tthhee ssuuccttiioonn iinn mmyy VVaaccuuuumm
CClleeaanneerr ssttaarrttss ttoo ddeeccrreeaassee oorr sshhuutt ooffff
Check the Dirt Arrestor. Before doing so,
remember to turn OFF and unplug the Vacuum
Cleaner. The Dirt Arrestor is located below the
main dirt collection area in the Collection Bin.
Look to see that this area is not full. Tip the
Collection Bin upside down over a trash can.
The two hinged doors of the Dirt Arrestor
compartment will swing open and allow any
accumulated particles to empty.
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