Weil-McLain Radiant Heater Electric Heater User Manual

AlumiPex Radiant Tubing
Part Number 650-000-221/0298
K. Pressurize Tubing for Observation
1. After the system has been proven leak free, pressurize
all tubing circuits to 30 psig.
Maintain this pressure on the tubing for the
remainder of the building construction.
Pressurizing the tubing allows use of the pressure
gauge to verify the integrity of the tubing and
Periodically observe the pressure gauge to make
sure no major drop in pressure occurs. A pressure
drop would indicate a puncture or leak.
1. Before leaving the jobsite, we recommend you meet
with the general contractor to review the AlumiPex
Trade Guides.
q Make special note of the pressure gauge. It can be
used by all trades to check the integrity of the
tubing throughout the construction of the
q Review traffic recommendations.
q Ask for early notification of the schedule for
installing finished flooring so you can inspect the
installation a day before this starts.
M. Before Leaving the Jobsite . . .
q If possible, get an agreement that the flooring
won’t be installed until you have inspected the
installation and given your release.
2. Make a record of your installation
We suggest you take photographs of the tubing
and manifolds.
Use the photographs and notes on the tube layout
drawing to document installation details.
L. Connect System Piping & Heating System Components
1. Install piping and heating system components if
framing is in place.
3. Don’t solder within 18 inches of tubing.
3. Cover tubing to protect it from solder drip.
4. Never apply an open flame to AlumiPex tubing.
5. Pressure test sytem piping to verify there are no