Part number 550-110-260/0508
GOLD CGs Gas-Fired Water Boiler — Boiler Manual
Inspect . . .
Burners, base and inlet air box
The boiler contains ceramic fi ber and fi berglass
materials. Use care when handling these materials
per instructions on page 68 of this manual. Failure
to comply could result in severe personal injury.
If insulation is damaged or displaced, do not operate
the boiler. Replace or reposition insulation as neces-
sary. Failure to replace damaged insulation can result
in a fi re hazard, causing severe personal injury, death
or substantial property damage.
1. After turning off power to the boiler, remove the inlet air box top panel
(Figure 27, item 13, page 56).
2. Inspect gasket (item
14). Replace if necessary.
3. Inspect burners and all other components in the inlet air box and boiler
4. If burners must be cleaned, fi rst remove item
11, Figure 27, page 56.
Access the burner assembly by fi rst removing burner baffl e, item 4. Then
remove the screws securing the burner tray to the manifold. Slide the
burner tray out. Follow
Burner cleaning instructions below to clean
burners thoroughly.
6. Inspect the base insulation. Pay attention to the
WARNING on page 64
regarding working with insulation materials. Verify that the insulation
is intact and secure against all four sides of the base.
7. Replace all components when service has been completed.
Burner cleaning instructions
Airborne materials, such as fi berglass and dust, are pres-
ent during construction and remodeling. These materi-
als can be drawn in with the combustion air and obstruct
burner ports, resulting in carbon monoxide production,
a fi re hazard, or building freeze damage. Read and follow
the WARNING on page 9. Failure to inspect and clear
gas burner ports could result in severe personal injury,
death or substantial property damage.
1. Inspect each burner to insure that every port is completely open.
2. If any port is not completely clear, run a vacuum at the burner inlet
while cleaning the burner ports with a wire brush. The vacuum will
help to draw any airborne material out of the burner.
3. Follow instructions above to replace all components after cleaning.
Condensate drain system
1. Inspect condensate drain fi ttings and tubing. Verify
that condensate can fl ow freely to drain.
❏ Service . . .
Inducer motor
1. With boiler power off, place a few drops of S.A.E.
20 motor oil in each of the two oil cups.
Use only S.A.E. 20 motor oil to
lubricate the inducer motor. Do not
use universal household oils. Motor
could be damaged, resulting in pos-
sible severe property damage.
Oiled-bearing circulators
1. The circulator shipped with the CGs boiler is water-
lubricated. No oiling is required.
2. Check other circulators in the system. Oil any
circulators requiring oil, following circulator man-
ufacturer’s instructions. Over-oiling will damage the
❏ Start-up . . .
1. Perform all start-up procedures in Section 7 of this
2. Verify
cold fi ll pressure is correct and that fi ll system
is working properly.
3. Verify
antifreeze level (if used) is at the right con-
centration and that inhibitor level is correct.
Check gas piping, per manual Sections 5 and 7,
verifying no indications of leakage and all piping
and connections are in good condition.
5. Read the
Operating instructions (Section 9c of this
manual or on boiler label) applying to the boiler.
6. Start the boiler following the
Operating instruc-
(Section 9c of this manual or on boiler label)
and manual Section 7.