Part number 550-110-260/0508
GOLD CGs Gas-Fired Water Boiler — Boiler Manual
Venting and combustion air4
CGs Boiler must be vented and supplied with combus-
tion and ventilation air
as described in Weil-McLain
CGs Venting Supplements packed in envelope as-
sembly with boiler. Failure to do so will cause severe
personal injury or death.
Use direct vent (sealed combustion) if combustion air
quality cannot be assured to be free of contaminants
Refer to page 9 for a list of potential contaminants and
locations likely to contain them. Operating the boiler
with contaminated air will damage the boiler sections
and vent, resulting in possible boiler failure or leakage
of fl ue products, causing severe personal injury, death
or substantial property damage.
Install vent piping and air piping (if used) per appropriate Venting Supple-
included in boiler envelope assembly.
Refer to Venting Supplements and to manual Section 1 regarding require-
ments for:
• vent system
• combustion air openings
• combustion air quality