Wayne-Dalton 8300/8500 Garage Door Opener User Manual

and owner’s manual. If in question about any of the procedures, do not perform the work.
Instead, have it adjusted by a trained door systems technician.
3. Lubrication: The door should open and close smoothly. Ensure the door track rollers
are rotating freely when opening and closing the door. If track rollers do not rotate freely,
clean the door tracks, removing dirt and any foreign substances. Clean and lubricate (use
a non-silicon based lubricant) graduated end hinges, center hinge(s), steel track rollers,
bearings and torsion spring(s) (torsion spring coil surfaces). DO NOT lubricate plastic idler
bearings, nylon track rollers, door track. DO NOT oil a cylinder lock, if actuation is difficult use
a graphite dust to lubricate.