Power Switch (S1) ... Determines the mode of operation; ON, OFF, or COOL DOWN.
Oven Light Switch (S2)
Controls the oven cavity lights.
Fan Speed Switch Hi/
Low (S3) .............
Controls blower motor speed between Hi and Low settings.
Bake Mode Switch (S4)
Selects the cooking mode of the oven between Normal and Gentle Bake. Controls call
for heat 100% for Normal 75% for Gentle Bake.
Buzzer ............... Signals the end of a cook cycle.
Timer ................. Counts the time of the product and signals the buzzer at the end of the cycle.
Door Switch .......... Allows the oven to operate when the doors are closed but stops the oven from operating
when the doors are opened.
Blower Motor ........ Operates the oven cavity blower (convection fan). Also, an internal centrifugal switch on
the motor is utilized to allow the connection of power to the heat relay (R3) when the
motor is at operating speed.
Transformer (T1) ..... Provides 24VAC power to the ignition control module and heating circuit.
Solid State
Temperature Control ...
Monitors temperature sensor and regulates the oven cavity temperature by controlling
the heat relay (R3) through the blower motor centrifugal switch contacts.
High Limit Thermostat ...Protects the oven from temperatures above 550°F by removing power from the 1st valve
(safety) on the dual solenoid gas valve which stops the flow of gas to the burner. Auto
resets at 500°F.
Ignition Control
Module ...............
Controls the gas ignition cycle - Energizes the 2nd valve (main) on the dual solenoid gas
valve, generates spark for burner ignition, monitors the presence of a flame and controls
the No Ignition light. The ignition times are: 4 second self diagnostic test (initial power
ON); 7 second ignition trial; 3 ignition trials with a 15 second purge between each trial.
Igniter/Flame Sense ... Ignites the gas and senses the presence of a flame. The flame presence generates a
micro-amp "flame sense" current that is monitored by the ignition control module. A flame
sense current of 1.0 micro amp (minimum) is required to maintain burner ignition.
Power On Light ...... Lit whenever the power switch (S1) is turned to ON or Cool Down mode.
Heat Light ............ Lit whenever temperature control is calling for heat.
No Ignition Light ..... Lit when power is turned ON, during ignition trial & gas purge time and when no flame is
detected by flame sensor. If the oven fails to ignite after 3 attempts, it will remain lit until
power is reset.
Temperature Probe ... Senses the oven temperature for the solid state temperature control. Converts the
temperature into a resistance valve which is monitored by the temperature control board.
The probe is an RTD (resistance temperature detector) of the Thermistor type. As
temperature increases the resistance value decreases.
Gas Valve (Dual
Solenoid) .............
Allows gas flow to the burner when the 1st valve (safety) and 2nd valve (main) solenoid
coils are both energized.
Cooling Fan .......... Circulates cooler air from rear of oven forward to cool components in the control area.
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