© 2013 Directed. All rights reserved.
Icon Description
Remote Control Status
Bars indicate battery level is Full, ¾,½,¼ or Empty
On while the remote control is transmitting a command
On while the remote control is receiving a message
On with Out of Range fault tone to indicate the remote failed to
receive a command confirmation
Pager on: The remote will wake up to listen for messages
Pager off: The remote will not wake up to listen for messages
The remote will Vibrate when messages are received
The remote will emit Beeps and Tones when messages are
Text field Displays the Clock, Runtime, Temperature, message text and
feature menus
On after the Garage Open** message has been received.
On after the Garage Closed** message has been received.
* This icon not present until the Car 2 is turned on in the Setup Re-
mote configuration menu.
** This icon not present until the remote is paired with an optional
garage door opener.