
The Download Names screen (left) is used to
retrieve the tenant names, phone numbers, access
codes and keyless entry codes that have been pre-
viously programmed into the AES-2000. The
“Present ID” box contains the ID number of the first
record to be downloaded. The tenant ID is an
unchangable consecutive number assigned to the
tenant when they were added to the database. The
“Download Count” box contains the total number of
records to be downloaded. Clocking on “Download”
will retrieve all records starting with the “Present ID”
through the Download Count. Once the records are
displayed in the data field, the “File” pulldown menu
can be used to print or save the data. Clicking on
“Clear” will clear data fields and reset the present ID
to 1. Clicking on “Close” will return the user to the
Data Transmit Screen.
D. Recordings
The Recordings screen (left) is used to make an
audio recording of each of the names of the ten-
ants. These are the recordings that a user will hear
when the user is stepping through the directory of
the AES-2000. When in the record mode, the soft-
ware will step through each name, displaying it in
large letters, and prompting the user as when to
speak. After each recording is made, the software
plays it back automatically, and selects the next
name from the list. Completed recordings are list-
ed in the box on the right hand side. To go back to
the data mode, click on the left arrow button. To
end the session, click on the Exit button.
The Downlaod Statistics screen (right) allows the
user to retrieve the AES-2000’s building entry log.
Each time the AES-2000 energizes the door strike, it
adds to the log, recording the date, time name/type
(tenant allowing the entry) and code (type of actua-
tion). Up to 1024 entries can be stored before the
oldest entry is written over. Retrieving just a portion
of the log can be accomplished by entering a “Read
Pointer” value for the starting point and a “Count”
value for the ending point. To receive the AES-
2000’s existing data, click on “Download” and to
clear all existing data click on “Reset”. Clicking
“Close” will return the user to the Data Transmit
2. Download Names Screen
3. Download Statistics Screen