58 TRG-TRC001-EN
Questions for Period 4
9 Given a room with a 42,000 Btu/hr sensible heat gain and a 56,000 Btu/hr
total heat gain (excluding ventilation heat gain); and indoor design
conditions of 80°F DB and 50% RH:
a Determine the sensible heat ratio.
b Draw the SHR line.
10 Given a room with an 80,000 Btu/hr sensible heat gain, a 20,000 Btu/hr
latent heat gain (excluding ventilation heat gain), and indoor design
conditions of 80°F DB and 67°F WB, find the wet-bulb temperature of the
supply air if it leaves the cooling coil at 60°F DB.
Questions for Period 5
11 Given indoor design conditions of 80°F DB and 67°F WB, if the air leaves
the cooling coil at 57°F DB, find the airflow (in cfm) required to satisfy a
1,000 Btu/hr sensible heat gain.
12 Given that air enters the cooling coil at 85°F DB, 69°F WB and leaves at 58°F
DB, 56.4°F WB, if the supply airflow is 7,000 cfm, find the total refrigeration
load, in tons.
13 Given indoor design conditions of 78°F DB, 65°F WB; outdoor conditions of
95°F DB, 75°F WB; a sensible heat gain of 156,000 Btu/hr; a latent heat gain
of 39,000 Btu/hr; and 25% outdoor air:
a Plot the indoor and outdoor design conditions on the psychrometric
b Find the mixed-air conditions entering the cooling coil.
c Draw the SHR line.
d Draw the coil curve and determine the coil leaving-air conditions.
e Calculate the supply airflow.
f Determine the enthalpy difference between the entering- and leaving-
air conditions.
g Calculate the refrigeration load in tons.