Sterling STT 800 Dehumidifier User Manual

1. Gen eral In for ma tion ...............................................1-1
1.1. Warn ings and sym bols.............................................1-2
1.2. Ex pla na tions and in for ma tion .......................................1-3
1.3. Le gal ba sis ......................................................1-3
1.4. Fields of ap pli ca tions ..............................................1-3
1.5. Notes on Us age ..................................................1-3
2. Safety in struc tions ................................................2-1
2.1. For your safety ...................................................2-2
2.2. For the safety of the de vices ........................................2-5
3. Start-up ..........................................................3-1
3.1. Con trol sys tem ...................................................3-2
3.1.1. Key as sign ment .........................................3-2
3.1.2. Flow chart ..............................................3-3
3.2. Switching on the dryer .............................................3-4
3.2.1. Op er a tion sta tuses.......................................3-4
3.3. Viewing the soft ware-ver sion........................................3-5
3.4. Pass words.......................................................3-5
3.5. Ba sic pa ram e ters .................................................3-7
3.5.1. Turn ing the de vices on/off.................................3-7
3.5.2. En tering dryer val ues.....................................3-9
3.5.3. En tering hop per val ues ..................................3-11
3.5.4. Ob serving pro cess ing sta tus..............................3-13
3.5.5. Set ting date and time....................................3-14
3.5.6. Viewing/chang ing lan guage and con trast ...................3-15
3.5.7. Changing pa ram e ters ...................................3-16
3.5.8. Set ting the timer........................................3-17
3.6. Starting con tin u ous op er a tion ......................................3-18
3.7. Viewing sys tem runtime ...........................................3-19
3.8. Switching the dryer off ............................................3-20
4. Er ror and er ror cor rec tion ..........................................4-1
STT 800