Skuttle Indoor Air Quality Products Klin Water Pump User Manual

G L A S S 1 0 1
Fusing is the process of joining 2 or more pieces of glass together by the application of heat. The glass may be in
the form of sheets, stringers, frit or a host of other forms. There are different degrees of fusing. You may want to fuse
glass so it sticks to another piece of glass without deforming. This is known as a “Fuse to Stick”. If you were to apply
more heatwork to the piece the edges would round slightly. This is known as a “Tack Fuse”. A “Full Fuse” is created
when the pieces have melted completely together and are 1/4” thick (6.4mm). A “Texture Fuse” is any point in-between
a “Fuse to Stick” and a “Full Fuse”.
There is a temperature range at which glass can be fused. The point at which it begins to fuse is infl uenced by the
rate at which the temperature is climbing when it reaches the fusing range. Most fusing glass will begin to fuse at around
1325 °F (718°C).. Remember that heatwork is a function of time and temperature.
Starting with glass that has been determined to be compatible is only the beginning to a successful fusing or slump-
ing project. The temperature and various temperature rates in a fi ring program must be designed to the specifi c needs of
the project you are creating. The size, thickness, shape, and type of glass all must be considered when designing a fi ring
Slumping can be defi ned as the controlled bending of glass under the infl uence of heat and gravity within a kiln.
This is generally done over or into a mold. Molds can be made out of a variety of different materials and can be found
at art glass supply businesses.
When slumping it is necessary to take into account the shape of the mold, the thickness of the piece, and the degree
of heatwork desired.
Gravity plays a very important role in slumping, especially slumping over a mold as opposed to into a mold. If the
shape of the mold dictates that the unbent glass is largely unsupported, the weight of the unsupported glass will pull the
glass over the mold quicker then if only a small portion is unsupported.
A thin piece of glass will bend quicker than a thick piece of glass. A thick piece of glass requires more Hold time
in the fi nal segment of the process phase.
In some cases the artist may want to control the amount of bend by visually inspecting the kiln. Be sure to follow
the safety guidelines listed in this manual when using this technique. When the proper amount of heatwork is reached
the artist can use the Skip Segment feature to advance the kiln into the cooling cycle. Slumping projects that receive too
much heatwork can take on unwanted texture from the mold or in extreme cases fuse to a puddle.