This stitch is ideal for producing flat overlapped seams on almost
any type of fabric and a bolder effect will result from sewing with
contrasting thread. This technique is also known as fagoting.
SETTINGS :Presser foot - Zigzag foot
:Thread tension control - S - E
This is a strong stitch because as its name implies, it makes
three short stitches where the normal zig-zag makes only one.
For this reason it is highly recommended for overcasting all types
of fabrics.
It is also ideal for mending tears, patching, sewing towelling,
patch-work and attaching flat elastic.
SETTINGS :Presser foot - Zigzag foot
:Thread tension control - S - E
This is a popular decorative stitch (used in sleeves or fronts of
blouses and dresses). To attach two separate pieces of fabric
together, leave a little space in between. To prepare the fabric:
Fold under the seam allowances on the cut edges, and press.
Baste folded edges to tissue paper with about 1/8" (0.3 cm)
space between. Stitch over the 1/8" (0.3 cm) allowance, just
catching the fabric fold on both sides with needle. Remove
bastings and paper; press.
SETTINGS :Presser foot - Zigzag foot
:Thread tension control - S - E