Sears 139.53968SRT Garage Door Opener User Manual

Electrical Requirements
To avoid installation difficulties, do not run the
opener at this time.
To reduce the risk of electric shock, your garage door
opener has a grounding type plug with a third
grounding pin. This plug will only fit into a grounding
type outlet. If the plug doesn't fit into the outlet you
have, contact a qualified electrician to install the
proper outlet.
If permanent wiring is required by your local
code, refer to the following procedure.
To make a permanent connection through the 7/8"
hole in the top of the motor unit:
Remove the motor unit cover screws and set the
cover aside,
Remove the attached 3-prong cord.
Connect the black (line) wire to the screw on the
brass terminal; the white (neutral) wire to the
screw on the silver terminal; and the ground wire
to the green ground screw. The opener must be
Reinstallthe cover.
TopreventpossibleSERIOUSINJURYor DEATHfrom
electrocutionor fire:
Besure power is notconnectedtothe opener,and
disconnectpowerto circuit BEFOREremovingcoverto
establishpermanentwiring connection.
Garagedoor installationand wiring MUSTbe in
compliancewith all localelectricaland buildingcodes.
NEVERuseanextensioncord, 2-wireadapter,or
changeplug in any wayto makeit fit outlet. Besure
the openeris grounded.
Ground Tab
Ground Screw
White /