8 Constant Running Hydraulic Pump - Installation Guide
3. Hydraulic connections
Before you connect the autopilot pump to your hydraulic system
we strongly recommend that you consult the steering gear
General guidelines
Absolute cleanliness is essential when working with hydraulic
systems. Even the smallest particle of dirt could prevent the
steering system check valves from working properly.
• All pipes used to fit the pump should match, or exceed, the
specification of the existing steering system pipes. Contact the
steering system manufacturer if you need more information.
• Use flexible pipe to connect the pump to the boat’s steering
system - this avoids strain on the pipes.
• Try to keep hydraulic fluid loss to a minimum when installing the
pump. This will reduce the time and effort required to bleed the
system of trapped air after installation:
• non-pressurized systems: temporarily fit a non-venting plug
to the helm reservoir vent to minimize fluid loss
• pressurized systems:
Before disconnecting any pipes on pressurized systems, you
MUST release the pressure at the reservoir by following the
manufacturer’s instructions.
• The ram ports on the CR pump are tapped to
in BSP and the
reservoir port is tapped to
in BSP. Three NPT adaptors are
included for conversion to NPT where required.
• Follow the manufacturer’s instructions if you fit any T-pieces.
• Make sure all hydraulic pipes slope upwards towards the
• A set of bleed valves near the steering ram, fitted at the highest
point, will allow any air to escape upwards.