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Isle Royale Wood Stove
February 4, 2005
The floor must be non-combustible material, extending
beneath heater and to the front, sides and rear as indicated.
The floor must be non-combustible or otherwise adequately
protected from radiant heat given off by the unit and from
sparks and falling embers. A layer of thin brick or ceramic
tile over a combustible floor is not sufficient. See Alternate
floor protection calculation sample on page 8.
In USA installations, it is necessary to install a floor protector
of 1 inch ("k" value = .45) thick metal clad millboard or equiva
lent at least 16 inches in front and 8 inches to both sides of the
loading door. If Hearth Leg kit is used in rear vent installation,
floor protector must extend 18 inches (457mm) in front of the
fuel loading door opening. See *exception below.
In Canada, similar floor protection must be provided 18 inches
(457mm) in front and 8 inches (203mm) from the sides and
rear of the stove. See *exception below.
*EXCEPTION: Non combustile floor protections must extend
beneath the flue pipe when installed with horizontal venting
and extend 2 inches (51mm) beyond each side.
203mm (8")
457mm (18")
37mm (44-3/4")
16" from glass - std legs
Fuel loading door
18" from glass - hearth legs
WHEN LOCATING YOUR STOVE consider safety, conve-
nience, traffic flow, and the fact that the stove will need a
chimney and chimney connector. It is a good idea to plan
your installation on paper, using exact measurements for
clearances and floor protection, before actually beginning the
installation. If you’re not using an existing chimney, place the
stove where there will be a clear passage for a factory-built
listed chimney through the ceiling and roof.
AVOID FIRE: Maintain the designated clearances to combus
tibles. Insulation must not touch the chimney. You must main-
tain the designated air space clearance around the chimney.
This space around a chimney is necessary to allow natural
heat removal from the area. Insulation in this space will
cause a heat buildup, which may ignite wood framing. NOTE:
Clearances may only be reduced by means approved by
the regulatory authority having jurisdiction.
WE RECOMMEND that you have a qualified building inspec
tor and your insurance company representative review your
plans before and after installation.
must extend
length of flue and
2" (51mm)
beyond each
side of pipe
USA - Required
CANADA - Recommended