Philips ProBridge 13 0150-0241B
6 Appendix
6.1 RS-485 Addressing and Connections
The Philips ProBridge (CBR-PB2-PHILIPS) is not an addressable
device and requires no user settings. The device simply acts as an
interpreter, translating the remote telemetry commands into a
format useable by the P/T/Z controller.
Each camera input, whether a fixed camera or a Pan/Tilt/Zoom (P/T/Z) unit, is
connected to a Kalatel unit input. The Kalatel unit has an RS-485 network
address, and so does the P/T/Z camera receiver. This address determines
when the telemetry receiver responds to commands sent over the RS-485
data line. Consult the PTZ installation manual for specific instructions on
setting these addresses.
The CBR-PB2-PHILIPS can be used in conjunction with multiple
Kalatel units, and/or keypads controlling the domes and the Kalatel
units. Since the ProBridge unit is a terminated device, care should
be used when using this unit in a mixed application.
The RS-485 network is a multi-drop wiring configuration of maximum length
3,000 feet (1000 meters). RJ45 cable and RJ45 connectors are used for
most hookups (see the installation/connection diagram). Some equipment
manufactured by Kalatel may use flying leads, terminal blocks, or other types
of connections.
Most units have looping RS-485 network connectors. Either socket can be
used. Do not use third-party RS-485 equipment without first consulting
Kalatel Technical Support for information on compatibility with other Kalatel
RS-485 Wire Specification
#24 AWG, twisted pair with shield (2-wire).
Less than 16 pF per foot, nominal.
Less than 25 ohms per 100 foot, nominal.
2-wire: Belden 9842
4-wire: Belden 9844