Pfaff 1246 Sewing Machine User Manual

11 - 27
11.05.08 Final adjustment of the control cam
When control lever 3 is engaged and the needle point is 12 mm above the needle plate
coming from its BDC, the motion of the thread catcher 5 must begin.
Fig. 11 - 24
Bring the take-up lever to just past its TDC by turning the handwheel and loosen the
accessible screws on control cam 1.
Continue turning the handwheel in its direction of rotation until the machine is in needle
rise position and then activate engaging lever 2.
Taking care to ensure that control lever 3 is engaged, loosen the remaining screws on
control cam 1.
Continue turning the handwheel in its direction of rotation until the point of the needle is
12 mm above the needle plate.
In this position, and taking care to ensure that control cam 1 is touching retaining collar
4, turn in the direction of rotation until you feel some resistance.
In this position, tighten the accessible screws on control cam 1.
Make the remaining screws on control cam 1 accessible and tighten these as well.
Carry out a check in accordance with the requirement.