C2655M-A (10/08) 23
Figure 22. Alarm Terminal Block
Table D identifies the pin assignments for the terminal block. On the terminal block, pin 1 is on the left (refer to Figure 22).
These pins, labels, and leads also correspond to alarms 5–8 on the other alarm terminal block.
To prevent false alarms on unused alarm inputs, configure or connect (jumper) unused alarm inputs using one of the following options:
• Configure the alarm input as unsupervised and normally open on the Endura workstation. You do not have to connect the alarm input. This
is the default.
• Configure the alarm input as unsupervised and normally closed on the Endura workstation. Then connect the alarm input directly to its
ground. For example, connect pin 1 (Alarm 1) to pin 2 (Ground) if not using Alarm 1.
• Configure the alarm input as supervised and either normally open or normally closed. Then connect the alarm input directly to its ground
through a 10-kohm resistor. For example, if not using Alarm 1, connect pin 1 (Alarm 1) to a 10-kohm resistor; then connect the resistor to
pin 2 (Ground).
Figure 23 shows how to wire an alarm device to the Alarm 5 input (refer to Table D on page 23 for the specific connector pin assignments).
Table D. Alarm Pin Assignments
Pin Label Lead
1A1Alarm 1
3A2Alarm 2
5A3Alarm 3
7A4Alarm 4