System Trouble If you attempt to arm with the TROUBLE icon on, a 3-second tone will
sound and a “P” will display in the window. This indicates that the system has detected
a problem which may prevent it from operating properly. A number corresponding to the
trouble will then appear in the display. Refer to SYSTEM TROUBLE ERROR CODES
for descriptions of these troubles. If you cannot correct the problem immediately, press
C and you will then be able to arm the system in this condition. Note: If you
cannot clear the trouble, have the system checked as soon as possible.
Area Arming (Optional)
In a system that has been partitioned into multiple areas, one or more areas may be armed while others remain disarmed.
Manager's Mode.
The Manager's Mode allows the user to arm / disarm other areas in a partitioned system. To arm a different area:
1. Press the numerical key representing the other area number.
2. Press
G followed by U. The keypad will now provide status and control of that area.
3. Enter your code followed by
Q to arm.
4. Press
G followed by U to return to the home area.
Global Arming (For GEM-P9600/3200 panels only).
To arm all areas simultaneously (including the area you are in), press 9, G and enter your code followed by
To disarm all areas simultaneously, press
0, G and enter your code followed by U.
The User Code must be valid in all area(s).
• If any zone is not secured, the keypad will display “P”. All faulted zones in the respective area(s) must be secured or
bypassed. Note: If a system trouble is indicated, the system cannot be armed using this method.