Abort Delay
A delay period that allows the system to be
reset before it reports to a central station.
Alarm Plan
ldentifies the areas of your premises pro-
tected by each zone of protection and lists
zone features. (See page 15)
Ambush Code
A one or two-digit code used before an arm/
disarm code that causes a silent report to
be sent to a central station. (Optional)
Turning your system ON or OFF. This can
be done by entering a code on the
Key keypad, or by turning an optional
Arm/Dlsarm (Personal) Codes
Up to 4 four-digit codes used to arm and
disarm the system from the keypad.
Stand by battery Is placed in the Control
ox to provide backup protection in
the event of a power loss.
Central Station
Monitors incoming burglary
messages from the Digital
and emergency
and alerts the proper authorities. (Optional
Control Center
The heart of the Magnum Alert-825 security
system: it controls all system functions.
Reports burglary and emergencies directly
to the central station over telephone lines.
Digit-key keypad puts Control
Center functions at your fingertips. It can
be mounted either at the Control Center or
anywhere in your premises.
Exlt/Entry Delay
Lets you exit and enter your premises without
setting off an alarm after the system is armed.
Digit keys have secondary functions which
are activated by holding down a digit until
a beep is heard.
A pre-programmed four-digit code that may
be used to disarm your system should all
user codes be erased (as after an extended
power failure).
Buzzer at each Napco Digit-Key keypad
warns that entry delay time has started. It
also sounds when you attempt to arm the
system if a particular zone is in “trouble”. It
also verifies contact with a central station
when a closing signal is sent (optional).
Panic Buttons
Two buttons
on the Digit-Key
keypad which will alert the central station
of an emergency.
A communication sent to a central station
indicating a specificchange in condition of
the security system (alarm, trouble, low
battery, etc.). (optional)
Shunt Button
on the Digit-Key
keypad. Lets
you manually remove one or more protective
zones from the system.
Independent, circuits
that protect specific
areas of your premises.
Auto Shunted Zone:
A zone capable of
being automatically bypassed (shunted)
out of the protection system if it is in
“trouble” (faulty) when you attempt
to arm the system.
Burglary Zones: Detect intrusion.
Day Zone:
A zone programmed to cause
visual and audible ( optional) indication at
the Digit-Key keypad when it is in ”trouble”
during the disarmed period.
Exlt/Entry Follower Zone:
exit and entry delay for interior devices.
Entry delay only occurs if re-entry takes
place through the normal
exit/entry door.
Group Shunt Zones:
A group of zones
programmed so they can be manually by
passed (shunted) all at once.
Zones: When a zone selected
for the feature is in “trouble” it will be
impossible to arm the Control Center.
Selectlve Shunted Zones: Zones that
can be individually bypassed (shunted)
using the Shunt Button.
Trouble Zones: Zones that cannot be
armed becauseof an open window, door
or other problem in the area.
Hour Zone:
Are always armed and
ready at all times to respond to an emer-
gency situation.