Mitsubishi Electronics G-50A Air Conditioner User Manual

7 User Setting
Click on [User settings] in the menu to open the user setting screen and make necessary user settings to limit
available functions of a building manager and to change user names and passwords of maintenance user and
building manager.
A building manager must change group names when a tenant has been changed. However, for basic setting
information, such as connection information of air conditioners, that one doesn’t want to be changed, please
make this user setting. Moreover, when building manager forgets his user name or password, the user logs in
as a maintenance user can be set again.
(1) When changing the user names or passwords of maintenance users, type new information in [User name],
[New Password] and [Retype Password] fields to change user names or passwords of maintenance users.
Note: If the user logs in as a building manager, the user name and the password of the maintenance user are not displayed, and
cannot be changed.
(2) When changing the user names or passwords of building managers, type new information in [User name],
[New password] and [Retype Password] fields to change user names or passwords of a building manager.
(3) To set the available functions of a building manager, click functions that should be available. The ones that
are selected will be shown with a yellow-green background.
To cancel the selection, click on them again. Deselected items will be shown with a gray background.
For more information of each function and available functions, refer to the next page.
Note: If the user logs in as a building manager, the present status can be checked, but cannot be changed.
Save settings
Send setting data to G-50A.
Maintenance user name,
User name and password can
be changed.
User name and password fo
building manager
User name and password can
be changed.
Available functions
The building manager selects
the available functions
Read setting data from G-50A.