OFFSET: After the swing value has been accepted, the words
“SET:” and “OFFSET” will be shown on the screen. This
setting is shown as a number of degrees, and is similar in
nature to the swing however it only effects the operation of
the second (auxiliary) heating stage, if present. The setting
range for Offset is from 0 to 9 degrees. When set to 0
degrees, the second heating stage is disabled. A value from
1 to 9 degrees will determine the number of degrees from
the set point that will be required for the second heating
stage to turn on. This setting can be used to conserve
energy in cases where the second heating stage is costly to
operate when compared to the first stage.
The internal temperature sensor in this thermostat is
accurately calibrated at the factory and should not need to be
adjusted. The Temperature Calibration feature allows you to
manually offset the measured temperature by as much as
plus or minus 5°F (3°C) degrees from its original value.
This feature can be useful to match this thermostat to
another one or more, if multiple thermostats are used in the
same home. To change the Temperature Calibration: ensure
that the System Mode switch is in the OFF position, and the
rotary dial is in RUN. Press the COPY/EMER button for at
least 2 seconds. The words “SET:” and “CAL” will appear on
the screen with a single temperature digit shown. Use the
UP/DOWN buttons to change the number of degrees of
adjustment. 0° degrees is the default value. Press the NEXT
button to accept the setting.
NOTE: The following examples use the default lock code of
“0000”. If you have altered the lock code to use your own
code, use that in place of “0000” in the following
To prevent tampering with any of your settings, the front
panel buttons and rotary dial can be locked out, requiring a