11. For residential installations, install the first section of stove
pipe with the crimped end going down inside the flue collar
on the heater. Continue with your stove pipe, installing each
section-crimped end down. Make the final connection to your
chimney. Your dealer carries the necessary pipe and fittings
to connect to the various listed factory-built chimneys. YOUR
12. Be sure to fasten each stove pipe connection with at least 3
sheet metal screws.
13. Install chimney as per manufacturer’s instructions. Some
brands of pipe may require removal of the spacer ring in the
flue collar.
14. All horizontal runs of pipe should be as short as possible and
are required by NFPA No. 211 to have an upward pitch or rise
in the same direction the smoke travels of no less than 1/4”
to the linear foot. The connector pipe must meet minimum
clearances in any direction to walls or other combustible
materials. It must attach to a listed double wall metal chimney
at least 6” in diameter or to a masonry chimney with a flue
passage of at least 48 square
15. It is required that a chimney
connector pipe not extend
further than the inner wall of
the flue when it is connected
to a masonry chimney and
that it either be cemented to
the masonry or be installed
without cement in a thimble
connected to the masonry
wall. When the connector is
inserted into a thimble, the
joint must be tight enough so
that it will not be dislodged in
normal use.
Install connector at no less than
the minimum clearances from
the ceiling when using a 90-
degree elbow to pass through
combustible constructions.
16. Chimney connector pipes
should never pass through a
floor, ceiling, fire wall, partition, or combustible construction
of any type unless certain precautions are taken. The best
method is to use a listed thimble and a listed chimney in
accordance with the manufactures directions. NFPA No. 211
gives approved methods for passing a flue pipe through
combustible constructions.
Stove Installation
1. If not previously installed, install floor protection and move
the heater into the desired location.
2. Position the stove on your floor protection in the exact location
where it is to be located, making sure all minimum clearances
are met.
3. If you are installing outside air on your stove, mark a 4” circle
on the floor protection just below the oblong ring. When
cut out, this hole will accommodate the flexible outside air
4. If the stove is to be fastened to the floor, locate the hold down
brackets inside the leg box and mark the floor protection
below the holes in the brackets.
5. If you are installing outside air on your stove, remove the
stove and cut the floor protection and the floor where the
4” air tube circle had been previously drawn. If the stove is
to be fastened to the floor, drill 1/2” holes through the floor
protection only, at the marks that were for fastening the
stove to the floor if so desired. Slip the flexible outside air
tube through the hole in the floor, leaving 1” of tube above
the floor protector surface, using tape to hold it in place.
6. Place the stove on the floor protection so that the previously
cut or drilled holes line up. Attach the stove to the floor with
the lag bolts if so desired.
7. If you are installing outside air on your stove place the hose
clamp over the flexible air tube and slide the tube up over the
4” ring on the outside air adaptor box and tighten the hose
clamp. Push the outside air adaptor forward 1/4” until full
contact is made with the lower heatshield. Tighten the 1/4”
bolt until the adaptor box is held firmly in place. Use silicone
sealant to create a seal between the flexible air tube and your
floor protection.
8. If it is necessary to level, secure or ground your stove, use
the holes in the bottom of the leg for those applications. To
level the stove on Olympic cast legs, locate the front leg that
is not touching the hearth pad. Insert the allen head screw
through the slotted washer (supplied with the legs) and into
the threaded hole in the bottom of the leg. See the drawing to
the right. Push the slotted washer down until it touches the
hearth pad and then tighten the screw into the leg. Should any
other leg not be resting on the hearth pad, install a washer
and screw in that leg as well.
9. Install bricks and baffle as per instructions on Page 11. It is
highly recommended that the baffle be assembled before the
chimney is installed so that the insulating fiber blankets can
be adjusted into place through the flue collar.
10. If installed into a mobile home, the stove shall be grounded
to the mobile home chassis with a #8 AGW copper wire or
Figure 4
Insert the allen
head screw
through the
slotted washer