
506920−01 09/12
Page 66
icomfortt−enabled furnace & non−communicating air conditioner
An icomfort−enabled gas furnace (G71MPP, EL296V, SLP98, SL280) with a
conventional non−communicating air conditioner.
1. WiringĊSee Communicating Indoor/Non−Communicating Out-
door System Wiring diagram on Page 59 and Optional Accessories
Wiring (Page 61) for any accessories being installed with the system.
D 4−conductor thermostat wire from the icomfort Wi-Fit thermostat
to the gas furnace (R, i+, i−, C)
D Conventional thermostat wire with 2 to 4 conductors from the fur-
nace terminal strip to the AC unit (Y1, C, & on some models, R &
D Wiring as required for accessories
2. Cut option link 2−stage compr" (Y1 to Y2, W915) on furnace control on
two−stage AC units only.
3. After the entire system is wired, power up the system; the icomfort Wi-
Fit thermostat will check the system for installed communication de-
4. In the installer setup button, select Add or Remove non−communicat-
ing equipment by using the yes button.
5. Select the Outdoor Unit Type" from the device list using the up/down
arrows and press the edit button. Then select the AC type (1−stage AC
or 2−stage AC) and press the save button.
6. Select the outdoor unit capacity and minimum outdoor unit capacity
(2−stage only). Press save after editing each setting. Press back when
finished to return to the adjust screen.
7. Use the arrows to select Furnace" from system devices list; press
edit. From this Furnace screen you will have access to the various air-
flow settings. Set the system air volumes according the needs of the
home. When you change certain settings, the system will prompt you
to please view and save all red settings". Use the arrows to select the
red settings and press edit. Either make changes or not, but press
save either way. The red settings will go away after pressing save.
When all CFM settings are complete, press the back button. Press
next step to advance to the tests button.
8. Using up/down arrows, select the test options individually (if so de-
sired, you may choose to TEST ALL) and press the select button. (If
selecting individual tests, repeat until you have selected all you intend
to run.)
9. Press the start button. Confirm the AC unit is electrically energized and
operational. Press done.
10. Exit the installer setup mode by selecting the EXIT button.
S If the thermostat System Setting" only shows heat only or off
choices and does not offer a choice for cooling" you must Install" the
non−communicating air conditioning unit. Select Add or Remove non−
communicating" under the setup button in the Installer Section. Select
Outdoor Unit Type", press the edit button and then choose 1 Stage
AC" or 2 Stage AC" and press the save button.
S On two−Stage Air Conditioners you must cut the W915 2 Stage
Compr" link on the furnace control.