4. PressSELECT1to showthe97%Feature.
97% Feature: The 97% Feature can save salt and
water by regenerating when 97% of the softener's
capacity has been used up. With this feature ON, the
regeneration can occur at any time (whenever the sys-
tem has reached 97% of its capacity). The default is
OFF. If this feature is desired, turn it on by pressing the
UP button.
IntelliSoft is a new Kenmore exclusive technology built
into your system's electronic control. IntelliSoft ensures
that your softening system provides you with the most
accurate salt dose to fit your water use needs, providing
you with industry leading water and salt savings.
Press SFLECT1 to show the 12 HOUR display.
12 or 24 hour clock: All time displays are shown in
standard clock time (1 to 12 PM; and 1 to 12 AM) at the
12 hr default setting. If Military time displays are desired,
set to 24 hr by pressing the UP button.
Press SELECT1 to show the GALLONS or LITERS dis-
Gallon or Liter readings: Water usage and flow dis-
plays are shown in gallons. If you prefer to have the
same displays in liters, press the UP button until Liter
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FIG. 39
FIG. 40
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FIG. 41
Press SELECT1 to show the RECHARGE display.
Maximum days between regenerations: The faceplate
timer automatically controls regeneration frequency (see
page 28). This provides the greatest operating efficien-
cy, and under most conditions, this feature will be left in
its default mode. However, modify this feature if you
want to force a regeneration every set number of days.
For example, if your water supply contains iron and you
want the softener to regenerate at least once every few
days to keep the resin bed clean, set the display as typi-
cally shown above. Setting is available from 1 to 15
days by using the UP and DOWN buttons.
j :
_J__ J__
Default Display Example:
Set to 4 Days Maximum
Between Regeneration
FIG. 42
8. Press SELECT 1 to return the present time display.
To light the inside of the salt storage tank, press the TANK
LIGHT button on the faceplate. Press the same button
again to turn the light off, or it will turn off automatically in 4
'LO _M
FIG. 43
To view the gallon (or liter) per minute water flow rate
through the softener, if not already displayed, press the
SELECT 2 button. If soft water is being used, the flow rate
to the closest 1/10 gallon (or liters) shows. If all faucets
and water using appliances are off, the display will show 0
--_-- 7,1]kq_,1
i --5%:,
_,o I
FIG. 44
Questions? Call The Kenmore Water Line 1-800-426-9345