CARPET High - turns on both the canister
and the Power-Mate_motors for HIGH
powerand cleaningof most carpets.
In order to get MEDIUM or LOW power level
for carpet cleaning, you must press CAR-
PET High button first, then press the
desired lower power level.
BARE FLOOR High - turns on the canister
motor only for HIGH power and cleaning of
bare floors.
Power Level MEDIUM - reducesthe power
of the canister motor onlyto the MEDIUM
level for attachment cleaningof upholstery.
Power Level LOW - reducesthe powerof
the canister motor onlyto the LOW level for
attachment cleaningof curtains,blinds, etc.
OFF - turns off canister and Power-Mate •
NOTE - When the BARE FLOOR High but-
ton is pressed, the headlight DOES NOT
function since no electricity flows to the
Power-Mate _.
NOTE - When using Power-Mate Jr._ the
vacuum must be started in CARPET High
position, then reduce the power level as