This book describes a packaged steam powered water heater that is a stationary, self-contained unit.
The complete assembly on a standard unit consists of the storage tank, immersion heating coil, steam
regulator, steam drip trap, condensate trap, steam strainer, condensate strainer, vacuum breaker, and
an ASME rated combination temperature and pressure safety relief valve. Optional equipment may
be supplied with your unit. Please consult the product drawing for details specific to your assembly.
The unit is factory assembled, insulated, jacketed, primed, painted, piped, tested, and ready for
service connections.
Standard Tank Construction:
The standard storage tank is constructed of all welded carbon steel, designed and built in accordance
with ASME Section VIII and stamped, certified, and registered with the National Board of Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Inspectors. It is internally lined with specially formulated Hydrastone cement to a 5/8-
inch minimum thickness for superior protection and tank longevity.
Optional Tank Linings:
1. Phenolic – An epoxy coating applied in two coats to a total thickness of 10-12 mils. Typically
used in process applications using low conductivity deionized (DI), distilled, or food grade
2. Copper – A 3lb./sq. ft. copper sheet approximately 0.0646-inches thick covers all interior
surfaces. All copper sheet seams are factory tested to ensure long lasting protection of the steel
3. Flame-Spray Copper – Molten copper is sprayed on the interior surfaces to a thickness of 5-6
mils. The copper bonds to the steel, and an additional overcoat of Phenolic lining is applied on
the copper to seal all pores.
4. Galvanizing – The steel pressure vessel is pickled and hot dipped in molten zinc to create a
barrier which internally and externally protects the steel vessel for cold and hot water storage.
Optional Non-Ferrous Tank Materials:
1. Copper-Silicon – A copper-silicon alloy offers tremendous tank longevity due to its ability to
withstand the cycling effects induced from changes in water temperature and pressure. This
material is suitable for storage of hot potable water in a variety of commercial and industrial
2. 90/10 Copper-Nickel – A 90% copper and 10% nickel alloy similar to copper-silicon, but with
added strength and corrosion resistance. Typically used in applications with corrosive
environments (salt water) or critical applications.