Honeywell 408EU Home Security System User Manual

System Operation (contd)
To Arm the System In Instant Mode
In INSTANT mode, all alarm sensors, including doors that normally
have a delay to allow you to disarm the system, will immediately
report an alarm if activated. Check to make sure the system is ready.
When it is ready, press:
INSTANT followed by your User Code.
When the system has been armed successfully, the ARMED LED is
on, and the following is displayed:
LCD Keypad:
Fixed-Word Keypad:
To Bypass a Zone
The Bypass function excludes a zone of protection from the security
system until it is unbypassed (either by using the unbypass procedure
or when you disarm the system). Bypassing can only be done while
the system is disarmed.
Press the BYPASS button. Then enter your User Code and the zone
number (1-8) to be bypassed, as follows:
BYPASS followed by your User Code
and Zone No. (1-8)
If the Quick Bypass feature has been enabled by the installer, do not
enter the User Code when bypassing zones.