P43 Pellet Stove
Outside air ex pipe
goes here.
Inlet Cover part#
Flex pipe part#
1-00-08543 (25')
Outside Air
Here arefourbenetsof outside air:
1. Having air introduced from outside the living
up air is not being drawn in through leaky windows
or doors.
2. Outside air connection eliminates draft problems
that can occur in tight homes.
3. Outside air connection reduces smoke spillage in
the event of a power failure.
4. Outside air connection allows your vent termination
to be as close as 18" from windows or doors.
Outside air is optional, except in mobile homes
outside air is mainly noticed in small, very tight,
To install outside air use 2 3/8" I.D. non-combus-
rear panel of the P43 stove which must be removed
beforeconnectingtheexpipe.The pipe should be
run outside and terminate to the side or below the
from the inlet cover. The maximum length run of this
pipe is 15 feet. If a longer run is needed the size
must be increased to 3". Inlet cover, part number
1-10-08542 should be used to keep birds, rodents,
etc.out of the pipe.
You may choose to use the optional Direct Vent
Wall Passthrough Kit (part #1-00-677077) which
incorporates the venting passthrough and outside
air inlet into one component.
When installing in a house with a Heat Reclaim-
ing Ventilation System (HRV) be sure the system is
balanced and is not creating a negative pressure in
the house.
Direct Vent Wall Passthrough Kit
(part #1-00-677077)