What is Microban
Microban® is odourless, colourless and tasteless.
Microban® inhibits the growth of micro-organ-
isms by permeating the cell walls and destroy-
ing the micro-organism cells. These cells are
then no longer able to reproduce and growth is
GRUNDIG offers an effective way to clean
hygienically with the impressive technology
from Microban®. The GRUNDIG dust filters
and dust bags are equipped with the integrated
Microban® hygiene protection.
This even inhibits the spread of tiny microscopic
particles including house mites, pollen and dust.
Dangerous bacteria can barely survive with the
integrated Microban® hygiene protection in the
dust bags and filters.
The Microban® technology has been tested in
independent laboratories and certified, thus
making a significant contribution towards a
healthier household.
HEPA filter
HEPA stands for Highly Efficient Particulate Air.
HEPA filters are highly efficient particulate air
filters which trap over 99.9% of all airborne
dust particles larger than 0.1 to 0.3 microme-
tres. Viruses, respirable dust, dust mite larvae
and deposits, pollen, smoke particles, asbestos,
bacteria various toxic dust and aerosols are
trapped in the filter.
02_VCC_9850_en:de 10.02.2009 13:20 Uhr Seite 22