Graco 3A2578B Heat Pump User Manual

Torque Instruct
Torque Instructions
If fluid cover or manifold fasteners have been
loosened, it is important to torque them using the
following procedure to improve sealing.
NOTE: Fluid cover and manifold fasteners have a
thread-locking adhesive patch applied to the threads.
If this patch is excessively worn, the fasteners may
loosen during operation. Replace screws with new
ones or apply medium-strength (blue) Loctite or
equivalent to the threads.
NOTE: Always completely torque fluid covers before
torquing manifolds.
1. Start all fluid cover screws a few turns. Then, turn
down each screw just until head contacts cover.
2. Turn each screw by 1/2 turn or less working in a
crisscross pattern to specified torque.
3. Repeat for manifolds.
Fluid cover and manifold fasteners: 190to220
in-lb (21 to 25 Nm)
4. Reto
rque the air valve fasteners in a crisscross
ern to the specified torque.
Air valve fasteners: 45to55in-lb(5to6Nm)
5. Retorque the pilot valves to the specified torque.
Do not overtorque.
Pilot valves: 20to25in-lb(2to3Nm)
d Cover Screws
Inlet and Outlet Manifold Screws
Air Valve Screws and Pilot Valves
16 3A2578B