Z Series RO System by GE Osmonics
5.1 RO Fails to Run
1. Power
a. Check position of power switch.
b. Check position of service disconnect switch.
c. Check outlet and circuit breaker/fuse panel for power.
d. Check fuses in RO and at service disconnect. Replace fuse(s) as necessary.
2. Line Voltage
a. Verify the line and equipment voltages are compatible.
3. Electrical Connections
a. Ensure the power cord is connected to the appropriate outlet.
b. Check all wiring connections to verify solid connection. Reference the wire
connection diagrams in Chapter 6 for a visual description of wire connection
locations. Restore connections as required.
4. RO Interlock
a. Check status of interlocks and correct lockout condition.
i. Temperature Alarm
ii. Pretreatment Interlock
5. Motor Starter
a. Check power to magnetic starter.
b. Check contactor thermal overload. Correct the condition that would have caused
the thermal overload to trip. Reset overload as necessary.
c. Replace starter relay as necessary.
6. Power Switch
a. Replace power switch as necessary.
7. Pressure Switch
a. Verify that feed pressure is at least 30 PSI.
b. Adjust or replace pressure switch as necessary.
8. Pump Motor
a. Verify that voltage supply is correct and motor (non-submersible types) is wired
for correct voltage
b. Check that power legs do not deviate by more than ±10%.
c. Check motor starter overload switch for proper amperage setting (more than full
motor amps, but less than 125% of motor full load amps).
d. Replace motor as necessary.
1238339b – 16Oct03 5 - 5 Troubleshooting