Z Series RO System by GE Osmonics
9. The TDS monitor should stabilize within 2 to 5 minutes of start-up. The TDS
during this time may be higher than the alarm set point. The audible alarm may
be muted at this time by pressing the alarm mute switch. The alarm mute switch
will silence the audible alarm for approximately 2 minutes.
A high TDS alarm condition requires immediate attention.
10. The absence of chlorine must be verified in the feed water after the pretreatment
carbon tanks. It is imperative that thin film element equipped RO units be
operated on chlorine free feed water.
Carbon filtration is a required component of a water purification system. AAMI
recommends that two carbon filters be used in series. When chlorine / chloramine
breakthrough is noted after the first tank, the first tank must be removed, the second put
in its place, and a new tank installed in the second position. Reference the Carbon
Manual for specific operation and maintenance instructions.
11. Adjust the Waste Flow Valve to achieve a waste flow equal to the product flow
(50% recovery).
1238339b – 16Oct03 3 - 4 System Operation