Z Series RO System by GE Osmonics
9. Turn on the RO unit. When the RO system is equipped with a Disinfect Alarm
Monitor and RO Status Monitor disinfect operations may commence only when
both disinfect key switches are activated, the RO unit power switch is turned on,
and the alarm timer has expired. If the Disinfect Alarm Monitor is not included in
the RO system the Disinfect Start key switch can be turned ON to circulate the
solution through the RO system.
Check that there is waste flow within 10 seconds. If not, turn off power and verify that
the Disinfect Inlet Valve is open and tank connections are secure.
10. Allow the RO to run and circulate the disinfectant solution for 10 minutes.
11. Test the product line effluent for the presence of formaldehyde. Loop piping
disinfection will require each use point to draw one liter of formaldehyde solution
and a positive test for the presence of formaldehyde.
12. Allow the RO to run for an additional 10 to 15 minutes after a positive
formaldehyde test.
13. Turn off the RO unit. RO systems equipped with a Disinfect Alarm Monitor will
use the RO unit power switch to turn off the pump and stop circulation. RO
systems without a Disinfect Alarm Monitor will use the Disinfect Start key switch
to turn off the pump.
14. Remove the RO waste and product lines from the disinfect tank and connect to
drain. Loop piping disinfection will require the loop output to be connected to
drain. Direct Feed RO units having the loop disinfected will also require the loop
return ball valve, mounted vertically just prior to pump housing, to be closed
during disinfectant solution draining. Protect product line from contamination.
Formaldehyde solution may spill from this line; exercise caution.
15. Turn on the RO unit. When the RO system is equipped with a Disinfect Alarm
Monitor and RO Status Monitor operation may commence only when both
disinfect key switches are activated, the RO unit power switch is turned on, and
the alarm timer has expired. If the Disinfect Alarm Monitor is not included in the
RO system the Disinfect Start key switch can be turned ON to drain the disinfect
16. Run disinfectant solution to drain until the disinfect tank is almost empty.
Do not allow air to be drawn into the RO system
as this will damage the pump.
1238339b – 16Oct03 4 - 18 Routine Maintenance