Z Series RO System by GE Osmonics
4. Temperature Alarm:
a. Connect the Temperature Alarm Monitor wires to the terminals in the RO
control box. Refer to the electrical schematic in Chapter Six for connections.
b. Install the Temperature Probe in the direct flow of the water in the run of a 1”
or larger piping tee after the first piece of pre-treatment equipment. Refer to
the installation drawing in Chapter Six for specific details.
5. Storage Tank Level Controls:
a. Connect the Low Tank Level Switch to terminals TB3-7B and TB3-8B.
b. Connect the High Tank Level Switch to terminals TB3-9B and TB3-10B.
c. When the low level monitoring option is chosen with the RO Status Monitor
the dedicated float switch will connect to terminals TB3-4B and TB3-6B.
Operation of this unit without level switches (i.e. Direct Feed) requires a jumper to be
installed (typically installed at factory) between the float switch connection terminals
TB3-7B and TB3-8B.
1238339b – 16Oct03 2 - 5 Installation Guidelines and Instructions