Emerson Process Management 3400 Carbon Monoxide Alarm User Manual

Reference, Installation, and Operations Manual Section 4: Optional features
3-9000-743 Rev S June 2013
Optional Aga10 key (sound velocity calculation) 95
4.1.6 Optional Aga10 key (sound velocity calculation)
The optional AGA10 sound velocity calculation feature allows the meter to calculate the
predicted sound velocity based upon the gas composition and compare this value to the
measured average sound velocity. The gas composition can be either specified via data points or
optionally read live from a GC (see above). This feature is enabled/disabled via the AGA10Key
data point.
4.1.7 Key status
The Status column will indicate if the key entered is a Valid key or if the key is disabled.
Leaving the Key field empty or entering 0000-0000-0000-0000 will disable the feature once
Write to Meter is clicked.
4.2 Key expiration warnings (firmware v1.6X and
Daniel MeterLink (firmware version 1.6X and below) provides two key-expiration-related
warnings: one when any optional feature key is within 30 days of expiring (via the IsAnyKey-
AboutToExpire data point) and another when any optional feature key has expired (via the
IsAnyKeyExpired data point).
Each warning data point is individually acknowledgeable from within the Daniel MeterLink
Meter/Monitor page via the ‘Check Status’ button. Once a warning is acknowledged, it will not
become active again until a different key is within 30 days of expiring or has expired.
The IsAnyKeyAboutToExpire and IsAnyKeyExpired data points are both audit-logged and
4.3 Grandfathered features (firmware v1.6X and
Prior to firmware version 1.30, the Ethernet access and data log access features were included at
no extra charge. For customers with firmware v1.30 and below wishing to upgrade to newer
(1.30 or later) firmware, the newer firmware automatically “grandfathers” these optional
features by assigning non-expiring key values to the Eth1Key and LogAccessKey data points
based upon the CPU Board serial number. GC interface and AGA10 sound velocity calculation
features are not “grandfathered.”
4.4 Trial period (firmware v1.6X and below)
All optional features with disabled keys are automatically enabled via expiring keys for a trial
period that ends 90 days after continuous flow is established (firmware v1.6X and below).
Continuous flow is established when the meter average flow velocity is continuously above the
low-flow limit for eight hours.