Safety Practices & Precautions
When properly cared for, your Del Rey Heater will give safe, reliable service for many
years. However, extreme care must be used since the heater produces intense heat and
can increase accident potential. When using this appliance basic safety practices must be
followed, including the following:
Read this Care and Use Guide carefully and completely before using your heater to
reduce the risk of fire, burn hazard or other injury. Begin by ensuring proper installation
and servicing. Do not repair or replace any part of the heater unless specifically recom-
mended in this manual. All other service should be referred to a qualified technician.
Do not try lighting this appliance without reading the
section of this manual.
If you smell gas:
1. Shut off gas to the appliance.
2. Extinguish any open flames.
3. If odor continues, immediately call your gas supplier.
Do Not store or use gasoline or other flammable vapors and liquids in the vicinity of this
or any other appliance.
Do not use in an explosive atmosphere, keep heater away from areas where gasoline or
other flammable liquids or vapors are stored or used.
Before each use check for damaged parts such as hoses, or burner.
Do not attempt to alter unit in any manner.
It is imperative that the control compartment, burners, and circulation air passageways of
the heater must be kept clean. The heater should be inspected before each use, and at
least annually by a qualified service person, for the presence of spiders, webs or other
insects. The burner area is a common and desired spider haven.
IInnsseecctt WWaarrnniinngg
SSppiiddeerrss aanndd iinnsseeccttss ccaann nneesstt iinn tthhee bbuurrnneerr ooff tthhiiss aanndd aannyy ootthheerr
hheeaatteerr.. SSppiiddeerr wweebbss ccaann pprreesseenntt aa ddaannggeerroouuss ccoonnddiittiioonn wwhhiicchh ccaann ddaammaaggee tthhee hheeaatteerr
aanndd rreennddeerr iitt uunnssaaffee ffoorr uussee..