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Sears offers many useful accessories for your garage door opener, They are Illustrated below _ tth
Sears model numbers and descriptions.
iii iii i ,111 ,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,,,11111111 iu
139.53702 Emergency Key Release:
Required for a garage with NO
access door. Enables homeowner
to open garage door manually from
outside by disengaging trolley.
iiii ii i,i, ii
Outdoor Key Switch:
Operates the garage door
automatically from outside when
remote control is not handy,
i1,11ii iiii1,1,,i,1,1ii
8 Foot Rai! Extension
Toallow an 8 foot door toopen fully.
i i,iii ii
10 Foot Rail Extension:
To allowa 10 foot door to open fully.
Support Brackets:
For finished ceilings or where
additional support is required,
based on garage construction.
,, ,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
SECURITY÷ 3:Funciion Retool --
Includes visor clip.
SECU RITY÷ Compact
3-Function Remote Control:
With loop for attaching key ring.
(Available April, t 997)
SECURITY÷ Keyless Entry:
Enables homeowner to operate garage
door opener from outside by entering a
password. Also canadd a temporary
password for visitorsor service
persons. This temporary password can
be limited to a programmablenumber
of hours or entries.
Plug-In Light Control:
Enables homeowner to turn on a
lamp, television or other appliance
_1 from car, bedside, or anywhere in
the home with a remote.
(Available Apdl, 1997)
,, ,,, , _ .................................................
Includes brackets and fastening
139.53709 Door Clearance Brackets:
(FOr Sectional Doors Only)
Replaces top brackets and rollers on
door to reduce height of door travel.
For use when installing opener in
garage with low headroom clearance.
To Add the Keyless Entry
We recommend that you program your password
before you install the Keyless Entry. You will not
need assistance, and you can test the reception at
the mounting location before installation.
If you have a Premium Control Console:
1. With the door closed, press the four digit password
desired, then press and hold Enter.
2. Press and hold the light button on the door control.
3o Press and hold the door control push bar.
4. After the opener light flashes, release all buttons.
ff you do not have a Premium Control'Console:
1.. Choose a 4-digit password using numbers from
0 to 9 (a number can be used more than once, for
example, 4, 0, 4, 1).
2.. Press the four buttons for the password, then
press and hold the Enter button. The indicator light
on the door opener panel will blink.,
3, Press and release the SRT (learn) button on the
opener panel. After the opener light flashes,
release the Enter button°
Test by pressing the password, then press Enter° The
door should begin to move.