Manual Installation Procedures 3-3
Mounting a Remotely Attached CD-ROM Drive
Exporting the CD-ROM Drive from a Remote SunOS Host
Prior to mounting the CD-ROM drive from the remote host, the device must be made accessible. The
following procedures are performed on the remote system (unless otherwise noted) where the
CD-ROM drive is attached:
Step 1 If the following entry does not exist in the /etc/exports file, append it to the file. This
allows the remote system to export the /cdrom mount point.
/cdrom -ro
Step 2 Export the /cdrom directory from the remote host:
host# /usr/etc/exportfs /cdrom
Step 3 If they are not already running, start the following NFS mount daemons:
host# /usr/etc/nfsd 8
host# /usr/etc/rpc.mountd
Step 4 Verify the mount point is being exported by the remote host. The listing produced by this
command should include the /cdrom mount point.
host# /usr/etc/exportfs
Step 5 On the client machine, verify the mount point on the remote host:
host# /usr/sbin/showmount -e <remote_server> | grep cdrom
where <remote_server> is the name of the remote host where the CD-ROM drive is
Step 6 On the client machine, mount the remotely installed CD-ROM device:
host# /usr/sbin/mount <remote_server>: /cdrom /cdrom/cdrom0
Step 7 Proceed to “Installing Cisco WAN Manager Manually”.
To Export the CD-ROM Drive From a Remote Solaris Host
Prior to mounting the CD-ROM drive from the remote host, the device must be made accessible. The
following procedures are performed on the remote system (unless otherwise noted) where the
CD-ROM drive is attached:
Step 1 When they are not already running, start the following NFS mount daemons:
host# /usr/lib/nfs/nfsd 8
host# /usr/lib/nfs/mountd
Step 2 Share the mount point from the remote system:
host# /usr/sbin/share -F nfs -o ro /cdrom/cdrom0
Step 3 Verify the remote host is exporting the mount point. The listing produced by this
command should include the /cdrom mount point.
host# /usr/sbin/share
Step 4 On the client machine, verify the mount point on the remote host:
host# /usr/sbin/showmount -e <remote_server> | grep cdrom
where <remote_server> is the name of the remote host where the CD-ROM drive is
Step 5 On the client machine, mount the remotely installed CD-ROM device:
host# /usr/sbin/mount <remote_server>: /cdrom/cdrom0 /cdrom/cdrom0
Step 6 Proceed to “Installing Cisco WAN Manager Manually”.