Table 6 — Fan Performance (SI), 50LJQ008 (50 Hz) — Horizontal Discharge Units
50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
r/s BkW r/s BkW r/s BkW r/s BkW r/s BkW r/s BkW r/s BkW r/s BkW r/s BkW r/s BkW
1100 7.9 0.35 9.4 0.50 10.6 0.68 11.7 0.85 12.7 1.03 13.6 1.25 14.4 1.46 14.9 1.69 15.1 1.92 15.0 2.15
1200 8.3 0.42 9.8 0.59 11.0 0.78 12.0 0.95 13.0 1.15 13.9 1.36 14.8 1.58 15.5 1.82 16.0 2.06 16.4 2.31
1300 8.8 0.51 10.2 0.69 11.3 0.88 12.4 1.08 13.3 1.28 14.2 1.49 15.0 1.72 15.8 1.96 16.5 2.21 17.1 2.47
1400 9.2 0.60 10.6 0.80 11.7 0.99 12.7 1.22 13.7 1.42 14.5 1.63 15.3 1.87 16.1 2.12 16.9 2.38 — —
1500 9.7 0.71 11.0 0.91 12.1 1.12 13.0 1.35 14.0 1.59 14.8 1.81 15.6 2.04 16.4 2.30 — — — —
1600 10.1 0.82 11.3 1.04 12.5 1.28 13.4 1.49 14.3 1.75 15.2 2.00 15.9 2.24 — — — — — —
1700 10.6 0.93 11.8 1.20 12.9 1.44 13.8 1.67 14.7 1.92 15.5 2.20 — — — — — — — —
Table 7 — Fan Performance (SI), 50LJQ012 (50 Hz) — Horizontal Discharge Units
50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
r/s BkW r/s BkW r/s BkW r/s BkW r/s BkW r/s BkW r/s BkW r/s BkW r/s BkW r/s BkW
1300 7.6 0.30 8.9 0.41 10.2 0.56 11.1 0.64 12.1 0.77 13.1 0.92 13.9 0.93 14.0 0.52 15.0 1.13 15.6 1.32
1400 8.0 0.40 9.3 0.51 10.5 0.64 11.4 0.75 12.4 0.88 13.3 1.01 14.1 1.11 14.6 0.96 15.4 1.32 16.0 1.42
1500 8.4 0.48 9.6 0.60 10.7 0.72 11.8 0.86 12.7 0.99 13.5 1.12 14.3 1.26 15.1 1.35 15.7 1.49 16.4 1.54
1600 8.8 0.58 10.0 0.69 11.1 0.82 12.1 0.96 12.9 1.10 13.8 1.24 14.5 1.38 15.3 1.54 16.0 1.64 16.7 1.72
1700 9.1 0.69 10.3 0.78 11.3 0.93 12.3 1.07 13.2 1.22 14.0 1.37 14.8 1.52 15.5 1.66 16.3 1.84 17.0 1.95
1800 9.5 0.81 10.7 0.90 11.7 1.05 12.6 1.20 13.5 1.36 14.3 1.52 15.0 1.67 15.8 1.83 16.4 1.99 17.2 2.17
1900 9.9 0.95 11.0 1.02 12.0 1.18 12.9 1.34 13.8 1.50 14.6 1.68 15.3 1.83 16.0 2.00 16.7 2.16 17.3 2.33
2000 10.3 1.11 11.4 1.17 12.3 1.32 13.2 1.48 14.1 1.66 14.9 1.83 15.6 2.01 16.3 2.18 17.0 2.36 17.6 2.53
2100 10.7 1.29 11.8 1.33 12.7 1.47 13.5 1.65 14.4 1.84 15.1 2.00 15.9 2.20 16.6 2.38 — — — —
2200 11.2 1.48 12.1 1.51 13.1 1.64 13.9 1.83 14.6 2.01 15.4 2.20 16.2 2.38 — — — — — —
2300 11.6 1.70 12.5 1.71 13.4 1.83 14.2 2.01 15.0 2.20 15.7 2.41 — — — — — — — —
Table 8 — Fan Performance (SI), 50LJQ008 (50 Hz) — Vertical Discharge Units
50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
r/s BkW r/s BkW r/s BkW r/s BkW r/s BkW r/s BkW r/s BkW r/s BkW r/s BkW r/s BkW
1100 8.7 0.42 10.1 0.59 11.1 0.75 12.2 0.93 13.1 1.12 14.0 1.30 14.8 1.51 15.7 1.77 16.4 2.02 17.2 2.35
1200 9.3 0.52 10.5 0.69 11.6 0.87 12.6 1.05 13.5 1.26 14.3 1.46 15.1 1.66 15.9 1.88 16.7 2.14 17.4 2.44
1300 9.8 0.64 11.0 0.81 12.1 1.01 13.0 1.20 13.9 1.41 14.7 1.63 15.5 1.84 16.2 1.98 16.9 2.29 17.6 2.56
1400 10.4 0.77 11.5 0.94 12.6 1.16 13.5 1.37 14.3 1.58 15.1 1.80 15.9 2.04 16.6 2.27 17.3 2.51 — —
1500 11.0 0.92 12.0 1.10 13.0 1.33 13.9 1.56 14.7 1.78 15.5 2.00 16.3 2.25 17.0 2.50 — — — —
1600 11.6 1.08 12.6 1.28 13.5 1.50 14.4 1.76 15.2 2.00 16.0 2.23 16.7 2.47 — — — — — —
1700 12.2 1.26 13.1 1.48 14.0 1.70 14.9 1.97 15.7 2.23 16.4 2.48 — — — — — — — —
Table 9 — Fan Performance (SI), 50LJQ012 (50 Hz) — Vertical Discharge Units
50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
r/s BkW r/s BkW r/s BkW r/s BkW r/s BkW r/s BkW r/s BkW r/s BkW r/s BkW r/s BkW
1300 8.4 0.37 9.6 0.51 10.8 0.61 11.7 0.69 12.6 0.81 13.3 0.90 14.3 1.05 15.1 1.27 15.9 1.48 16.7 1.67
1400 8.8 0.46 10.0 0.59 11.1 0.71 12.0 0.82 12.9 0.93 13.7 1.04 14.5 1.17 15.4 1.35 16.2 1.56 16.8 1.75
1500 9.2 0.55 10.4 0.68 11.5 0.81 12.4 0.94 13.2 1.06 14.0 1.19 14.8 1.26 15.6 1.44 16.4 1.62 17.1 1.83
1600 9.7 0.65 10.8 0.79 11.8 0.93 12.8 1.07 13.6 1.19 14.4 1.33 15.1 1.46 15.8 1.59 16.5 1.72 17.3 1.91
1700 10.2 0.75 11.2 0.91 12.2 1.06 13.1 1.20 13.9 1.34 14.7 1.48 15.4 1.63 16.1 1.76 16.7 1.89 17.4 2.04
1800 10.6 0.87 11.7 1.05 12.6 1.20 13.5 1.35 14.3 1.51 15.0 1.65 15.7 1.80 16.4 1.95 17.1 2.10 17.7 2.24
1900 11.1 1.01 12.1 1.19 13.0 1.35 13.9 1.52 14.7 1.68 15.4 1.84 16.1 1.99 16.8 2.14 17.4 2.31 18.0 2.46
2000 11.6 1.16 12.5 1.35 13.4 1.52 14.3 1.69 15.0 1.86 15.8 2.04 16.5 2.21 17.1 2.36 17.7 2.53 — —
2100 12.0 1.32 13.0 1.53 13.8 1.70 14.6 1.88 15.4 2.07 16.1 2.25 16.8 2.43 — — — — — —
2200 12.5 1.50 13.4 1.71 14.3 1.91 15.1 2.09 15.8 2.29 16.5 2.48 — — — — — — — —
2300 13.0 1.70 13.9 1.91 14.7 2.13 15.5 2.31 16.2 2.52 — — — — — — — — — —
r/s — Wheel Speed (Revolutions per Second)
Bkw — Fan Shaft Power (kW)
1. Boldface indicates field-supplied drive required.
2. indicates field-supplied motor and drive required.
3. Maximum usable outputpower (BkW)on the 50LJQ008unit is1.79
(2.40 Bhp) with standard 1.12 BkW (1.5 hp) motor. The maximum
usable output power (BkW) increases to 2.16 (2.90 Bhp) on the
50LJQ012 unit with standard 1.5 BkW (2 hp) motor. Extensive
motor and electrical testing on the Weathermaker I units ensures
that the full power range of the motor can be utilized with confi-
dence. Using the fan motors up to the power ratings shown will
not resultin nuisance tripping orpremature motor failure.Unit war-
ranty will not be affected.
4. Use of field-supplied motor may affect wire sizing. Contact
Carrier representative to verify.
5. Values include losses for filters, unit casings and wet coils.
6. Motor drive range is 10.30 to 14.70 r/s (622 to 882 rpm) on the
50LJQ008 and11.50 to15.00 r/s(692 to896 rpm)on the50LJQ012.
All other r/s (rpms) will require a field-supplied drive.