See notes on page 5.
UNIT SIZE-SERIES 018-A 024-A 030-A 036-A
Operating Weight (Lb) 168 178 188 198
Unit Volts—Hertz—Phase 208/230-60-1
Operating Voltage Range* 187-253
Compressor— Rated Load Amps 10.3 13.5 15.4 17.9
Locked Rotor Amps 51.0 61.0 73.0 100.0
Condenser Fan Motor—Full Load Amps 0.50 0.75 0.75 1.40
Min Unit Ampacity for Wire Sizing 13.4 17.4 19.2 20.1
Min Wire Size (60°C Copper) AWG† 14 14 14 12
Min Wire Size (75°C Copper) AWG† 14 14 14 12
Max Wire Length (Ft) (60°C Copper)‡ 56 44 39 52
Max Wire Length (Ft) (75°C Copper)‡ 54 42 37 50
Max Branch Circuit Fuse or
Circuit Breaker Size (Amps) 20 30 30 40
Compressor—Type Scroll
Manufacturer Copeland
Temperature & Current Protection Internal Line Break
Refrigerant—Type Puron® (R-410A)
Amount (Lb) 4.15 4.66 5.28 6.13
Coil Face Area (Sq Ft) 7.27 8.72 8.72 10.9
Fins per In.—Rows—Circuits 20—1—125—1—225—1—225—1—2
Fan Motor—HP (PSC) & RPM 1/12 & 1100 1/10 & 1100 1/10 & 1100 1/10 & 1100
Volts—Hertz—Phase 208/230-60-1
Condenser Airflow (CFM) 1700 2000 2000 2500
Support Feet KSASF0101AAA
Coastal Filter KAACF0701SML
Time Delay Relay KAATD0101TDR
Cycle Protector KSACY0101AAA
Crankcase Heater KAACH1201AAA
Start Assist—Capacitor/Relay Type KSAHS1701AAA KSAHS1501AAA
Start Assist—PTC Type KAACS0201PTC
TXV (Hard Shutoff) KSATX0201HSZ KSATX0301HSZ
Piston Body KSAPX0101PIS
Filter Drier (Suction Line) KH45LG140
Evaporator Freeze Thermostat†† (RCD) KAAFT0101AAA
Liquid-Line Solenoid Valve KAALS0201LLS
Winter Start Control†† KAAWS0101AAA
Low-Ambient Pressure Switch KSALA0301410
MotorMaster® Control** (RCD) 32LT660004
Ball Bearing Fan Motor (RCD) HC34GE232
Thermostat—Auto Changeover,
Non-Programmable, °F/°C,
1-Stage Heat, 1-Stage Cool TSTATBBNAC01-B
Thermostat—Auto Changeover,
7-Day Programmable, °F/°C,
1-Stage Heat, 1-Stage Cool TSTATBBPAC01-B
Thermidistat™ Control—
Programmable Thermostat with Humidity Control TSTATBBPRH01-B
Builder’s Thermostat—Manual Changeover,
Non-Programmable, °F/°C,
1-Stage Heat, 1-Stage Cool TSTATBBBAC01-B
Outdoor Air Temperature Sensor TSTATXXSEN01-B
Backplate for Non-Programmable Thermostat TSTATXXNBP01
Backplate for Programmable Thermostat TSTATXXPBP01
Backplate for Builder’s Thermostat TSTATXXBBP01
Thermostat Conversion Kit (4 to 5 wire)—10 Pack TSTATXXCNV10