Instruction 3015-4256 29
Return Procedure
To return equipment to the factory for repair a Return Authorization (RA) number should be
requested from the factory. Normal factory repair time is approximately two (2) weeks, unless special
provisions have been pre-negotiated prior to the issuance of an RA number. Equipment will not be
received without an RA number. Returned equipment should be sent to the factory at the following
Bacharach, Inc.
2 Dart Road,
Newnan, Georgia 30265 USA
Attn.: Refrigerant Gas Monitor Service Department
Field Repair
Field repair of equipment will be considered after all reasonable attempts to diagnose and rectify the
problem via phone or fax have been exhausted or if return of the equipment to the factory is not
practical. To initiate warranty service in the field, a customer purchase order must be issued, prior to
dispatch, for the estimated travel time, expenses and applicable service fees for a Bacharach
representative to travel to the site. Bacharach will bill expenses to the customer at actual cost. The
customer will be invoiced for all applicable charges for parts, labor and expense at the non-warranty
rates if it has been determined that the failure is a result of abuse of the equipment, improper
installation, or failure to thoroughly read and comply with the instructions provided in the
Operations and/or Service Manuals. Scheduling of all field servicing is at the discretion of the
Factory Service Department and will be based upon customer need and the availability of personnel.
Warranty field service shall be limited to the continental United States.
Bacharach, Inc. is not liable for any charges, from the customer, purchaser or any third party that
may be acting on the behalf of the purchaser, customer or end user, resulting from non-warranty field
service, field upgrades, preventative maintenance, etc. Bacharach, Inc. is not liable for any charges,
from the customer, purchaser or any third party that may be acting on the behalf of the purchaser,
customer or end user, resulting from warranty field service or repair activities unless prior approval
is granted by an authorized member of Bacharach, Inc. prior the dispatch and performance of the
field service or repair activity. This is to include but not limited to: manpower requirements for
Bacharach and/or non-Bacharach personnel to perform or assist with the field service or repair