Queries and Help Screens 6-11
Percent Commands (%$)
At AT%$, the Courier displays a screen that shows a partial
summary of the percent command functions. A second screen,
activated by pressing any key, shows the remaining registers.
The first screen is as follows.
HELP, Percent Commands (CTRL-S to Stop, CTRL-C to Cancel)
%An= Security Account Information %Fn Remote DTE Data Format
Command Structure n=0 8, No parity
%An= PW,ACCT E,DIAL B,NEW#,PH# n=1 7, Mark parity
n = (0-9) n=2 7, Odd parity
PW = Password n=3 7, Even parity
ACCT E = Account Enable %L=PWn Security Local Access Psw
DIAL B = Dial Back Enable PWn = (0-9)
NEW# = New Dial Back # %Nn V.25bis Synchronous Clock Rate
PH# = Dial Back Phone # n=0 RESERVED
%Bn Remote DTE Data Rate n=1 RESERVED
n=0 110 bps n=2 1200 bps
n=1 300 bps n=3 2400 bps
n=2 600 bps n=4 4800 bps
n=3 1200 bps n=5 7200 bps
n=4 2400 bps n=6 9600 bps
n=5 4800 bps n=7 12000 bps
n=6 9600 bps n=8 14400 bps
n=7 19200 bps n=9 16800 bps
n=8 38400 bps n=10 19200 bps
Strike a key when ready . . .
Figure 6.9Sample Percent HELP Screen