
C-12 Alphabetical Command Summary
&I2 The Courier acts on your XON/XOFF commands, but
removes them from the data stream instead of passing
them to the remote computer. This is the recommended
setting for ARQ mode.
&I3 Hewlett PackardHost mode. Applies only to modems
attached to an HP mainframe that uses the ENQ/ACK
protocol. Use in ARQ mode only. See Appendix G.
&I4 Hewlett PackardTerminal mode. Applies only to
modems attached to terminals in an HP system that uses
the ENQ/ACK protocol. Use in ARQ mode only. See
Appendix G.
&I5 This setting is designed to enable flow control on the
phone link when the connection is not under error
control. For this to work for you, the remote modem
must have &I5 capability.
&Kn Enable/disable data compression.
&K0 Data compression disabled.
&K1 Auto enable/disable. Default. The modem enables
compression if the serial port rate is fixed, &B1, and
disables compression if the serial port rate follows the
connection rate, &B0, because compression offers no
throughput advantage when the serial port and
connection rates are equal. Compression may even
degrade throughput.
&K2 Data compression enabled. Use this setting to keep the
modem from disabling compression.
&K3 Selective data compression. The modem negotiates only
for V.42 bis compression, and disables MNP Level 5
(MNP5) compression. Use this setting to transfer 8-bit
binary files, .ZIP files, and other files that are already
&Mn Enable ARQ (error control) or synchronous protocols. Both
your modem and the remote modem must use the same
&M0 Normal mode, no error control. Due to the nature of
phone line channels, this is never recommended for calls
above 2400 bps.