
Edit Channel F
Sel ect the Channel F
Set Modulation F
Auto — the scanner uses the default modulation for the channel. The default
setting is Auto.
AM — the scanner uses AM (amplitude modulation) for the channel.
FM — the scanner uses FM (fr equency modulation) for the channel.
NFM — the sc anner uses narrowband FM for the channel.
WFM — the sc anner uses wideband F M for the channel .
WFM (Broa dcast) — the scanner u ses FM Broadcast for the ch ann el.
This setting controls the modulatio n metho d used for the ch an ne l. In m ost cases, if
you le av e th is set to Auto, the scanner a ut omat ica lly selects the corr ect
modulation type for the channel you are pr ogramming.
[MENU] Program System F
S elect a conventio na l system F
Edit Group (e xisting sit e) F
Sel ect a Chan nel Gro up F
Edit Channel F
Select a channel F
Set Attenuator F
Thi s setti ng c ontrol s w hether the scanner attenuates si gnal s on this channel.
Se lect yo ur se tting, then pre ss F.
On — the channel is attenuated by about 20 dB.
Off — the channel is not attenuated. The default setting is Off
You can also toggle this setting by holding on the channel and pressing F then
[7/ATT] within 2 seco nds.
[MENU] Program System F
S elect a conventio na l system F
Edit Group F
Select a channel group F
Setting Channel Attenuation C
Set ting Cha nnel Priority C