
Using the Close Call Feature
Close Call Hits with Scan
When you turn on this option, the sc anner automatic all y stor es and s cans the l ast
10 Clo se Ca ll hits rece ived. Yo u can assign a Q uick K ey t o t his specia l scan and
you can also s et how long the s c anner will wait af ter t he signal s tops before
resuming scan. This le ts you cont in ue to hear tran smissio ns det ected with the
Close Call featur e, even after you ar e no longer cl ose enough to receive it as a
Close Call hit . Follow thes e steps to s et up the option.
[MENU] Close Call F
Hits with Scan F
Set Quick Key or Set Lockout or Set Hold Time F
Set the avai lable option as you would for other menu items.
This sp ecial ch an nel g ro up is a uto matically clea re d whene ver you cycle the